Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Tree of Life

I just saw the movie, Tree of Life, starring Brad Pitt, Sean Penn, and Jessica Chastain.
I know that there have been many things said about it, but in my honest opinion it is one
of the best films I've seen for a long while. 

It's not really a "story" type of movie to me - more of an "allegory" or an "idea."
I felt awe, wonder, grief, and ultimately gratitude as I was watching.
The creators of this movie are undoubtedly very deep, poetic thinkers, who just
also happen to be very talented nature photographers/film-makers. 
To my eye, this film was like a conversation with nature and life itself.
It is trying to ask some of the ultimate questions - Where do we come from?
Why are we here? Why must there be death? Why must there be life?
There are also some very human questions about family, parenthood, growing up,
forgiveness, guilt, friendship, and oh, so much more.  I could say more on this,
but I think this is enough.  I might not be able to stop.

I'm glad the Cannes Film Festival gave this movie the distinction it received.
Whether or not it was deserving all depends on individual opinion.
Be that as it may, I definitely think it's worth the discussion.

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